Hallelujah Haberdashery!

21 Nov

Just lost an hour in a haberdashery. Dashed in to pick up a zip and staggered out an hour later with a bagful of goodies. This little fellow here is going to adorn my new winter hat. The pic doesn’t do him justice really: he’s super-sparkly and will be just the thing on an army-green beanie hat – it’s all about the contrast!  

I adore haberdasheries. They’re like sweetie shops for grown-ups, but better, because they don’t rot your teeth or give you spots. As the economy gets worse and everyone in the city gets a bit more skint, I look upon haberdasheries as a saviour. Half an hour in one can unearth enough baubles and trinkets to transform ten outfits. From fake flowers to trimmings to sparkly bits, haberdashery really is the business when it comes to transforming what you already own. Zazzing up that tired black jumper from last winter is a breeze if you say yes to the power of the haberdashery.  Just arm yourself with iron-on / sew-on daisies, lace, or ribbon and you’ll give your old jersey a new lease of life in no time. Check out my post on customising for some ideas. Sadly, haberdasheries are scarcer than they used to be, but many John Lewis’ stores still have excellent departments. Also, check out VV Rouleaux for beautiful fripperies – more expensive than other haberdasheries but way cheaper than a new dress.   

I couldn’t resist these ladybird buttons today either, though God only knows what I’m going to do with them! Any suggestions?

What you thinking? Go on and tell me!